C'est quoi le paludisme? (French resources - exploiting a text)

Here are some resources that I made based on a text about malaria in French at http://blog.imagesdoc.com/2010/04/cest-quoi-le-paludisme-eva-9-ans-12/ which I came across via http://lhsfrenchdevoirs.wikispaces.com/Le+paludisme (and originally via @tonitheisen on Twitter)
The text that I've used is fairly short and accessible (could be used with able KS3 classes, for example). I've also used the dual-text idea in the Find the French exercise, so that the texts to be found are in the order that they appear in the text, with shorter lexical items listed after each sentence, so that students can see how sentences are structured. (See another blog post on this here.)

There are 11 pdf files in all, all printed using dopdf - http://www.dopdf.com

The pdfs are based on a Mix and Gap file containing the lyrics for the song, which is also included (mtx3). This file provides a wide variety of interactive exercises for use with PCs or with an interactive whiteboard. It requires TaskMagic3. If you haven't got TaskMagic3, you can download a 30-day trial from the TaskMagic website (doesn't require registration or anything - just download and install it).

The picture at the bottom shows the file's front screen in Mix&Gap. This screen shows lots of little exercise thumbnails, which are links to the various interactive exercises.


See this video tutorial on getting started with Mix and Gap and an introduction to the automatically generated exercises in Mix and Gap:

See this video tutorial which gives a brief introduction to the 7 non-auto-generated exercises in Mix and Gap:

SEE THESE DETAILED VIDEO TUTORIALS on all aspects of creating your own Mix and Gap files to exploit all sorts of texts in TaskMagic3 (by creating interactive exercises and worksheets).


