Making use of news stories (10 years after 9/11, French)

This is a very short post, but packed full of free resources.

I made a TaskMagic3 Mix&Gap file based on a news story from BBC Afrique.

I printed out the worksheets as pdf documents using doPDF -

On this occasion I've converted the 9 pdf worksheets into 1 pdf file using MergePDF -

See below. Simply scroll through the pdf file to access the various printable activities. The activities are:

1. Find the French

2. 1 in 3

3. 8 Tiles

4. 15 Tiles

5. 24 Tiles

6. Gap-fill (with word list)

7. Long gaps (clause or sentence gaps)

8. Prompt gaps (no word list, but prompt for each gap)

9. Context gaps (no word list - only one possible answer)

The Mix&Gap file, from which the pdfs were printed, provides access to 18 interactive exercises.

See for more information about the interactive exercises created in the Mix&Gap component of TaskMagic3. If you already have TaskMagic3, click here to access the above file. If not, you can get a trial download from

See this video tutorial on getting started with Mix and Gap and an introduction to the automatically generated exercises in Mix and Gap:

See this video tutorial which gives a brief introduction to the 7 non-auto-generated exercises in Mix and Gap:

SEE THESE DETAILED VIDEO TUTORIALS on all aspects of creating your own Mix and Gap files to exploit all sorts of texts in TaskMagic3 (by creating interactive exercises and worksheets).

For lots more info about TaskMagic3, please visit our website at

