¿Qué tal? (very short text / story)

These resources are based on a short story practising ¿Qué tal?, with lots of high frequency expressions.

It really is the shortest of stories, using expressions from the first few lessons of Spanish:

Fred está en el patio del colegio cuando ve a su amigo Barney.
“Hola Barney,” dice Fred. “¿Qué tal?”
“Muy mal,” dice Barney, y se va.
Luego Fred ve a su amiga Wilma. “Hola Wilma,” dice Fred. “¿Qué tal?”
“¿Yo?” dice Wilma, “Regular.” Y se va.
Luego ve a su amigo Greg. “Hola Greg,” dice Fred. “¿Qué tal?”
“Bien, gracias,” dice Greg. “¿Y tú, Fred?”
“¡Muy bien!” dice Fred, y se va muy contento. 

There are 10 worksheets based on the text itself and 6 based on the vocab. These were printed from TaskMagic3 (Mix&Gap and TextMatch) using http://www.dopdf.com , and combined as 2 pdfs with lots of pages using http://foxyutils.com/mergepdf/
I've also included the original Mix&Gap (mtx3) and TextMatch (mdl3) files, both of which require TaskMagic3. Of course, you would NOT do ALL of these activities, but I've included them all so that you can see what is available.

The images (above) show the variety of activities in each of the TaskMagic3 files.

