Talleres de explotación laboral (sweatshops)

Lots of Spanish resources, suitable for good GCSE groups but also for AS, based on a fairly short text about sweatshops.

The pdfs were printed from TaskMagic3 (Mix&Gap and TextMatch) using http://www.dopdf.com , and combined as 2 pdfs with lots of pages using http://foxyutils.com/mergepdf/ - the "text" pdf contains 11 worksheets and the "vocab" pdf contains 5.

I've also attached the Mix&Gap file (mtx3, based on the text, with access to about 20 interactive exercises) and the TextMatch file (mdl3, based on the vocab items, with access to over 20 interactive games and exercises) - both of these require TaskMagic3.
Hope they are of use to somebody.
