French - giving opinions about past events

Resources below on giving opinions about past events, all practising 30 lexical items.
- matching en to fr
- multi-choice matching
- write the french next to the english
- pairs game to cut out and play
- dominoes game to cut out and play
- gap-fill based on phrases made from the lexical items
- anagram reconstruction based on the same phrases
- find the french

These are all printed from a couple of TaskMagic3 files.
I started with the lexical items, putting them into TextMatch. I then exported the TextMatch phrases to Mix&Gap and removed the English to create a list of phrases, made a couple of changes. Then printed the worksheets.
The pdf worksheets can be opened by anyone with acrobat reader (which I would've thought would be just about everyone...)
The original TaskMagic3 TextMatch (mdl3) and Mix&Gap (mtx3) files are also included. You'll need TaskMagic3 to acess these.
See and for details of the kinds of activities created, which you could create in a matter of minutes based on your own texts using TaskMagic3.


