GCSE French - "le choix d'un métier" - lots of practice activities

Another short GCSE French practice text, again taken from this fab pdf on rewardinglearning with absolutely loads of GCSE French voab and grammar practice:

Below are tons of pdfs printed from TaskMagic3, based on the one short text:
  • 3 x tile reconstruction - number in order or cut out and reorder.
  • 1 x multi-choice sequencing.
  • 1 x separate the words.
  • 1 x anagram text.
  • 1 x find the French.
  • 5 x gapfills: 1 with word list (this is the same exercise as the one featured on the pdf file on the link above); 1 multi-choice; 1 context-only gapfill; 1 verb transform gapfill; 1 with long gaps. These all test students in different ways.

And an additional 5 pdfs based on vocab taken from the text:
  • 1 x matching.
  • 1 x multi-choice matching.
  • 1 x pairs cards.
  • 1 x write the French.
  • 1 x dominoes.

You'd have to be completely mad to use all of these with your students. Select a few as appropriate. I've included them all to show you the full range of possibilities. (The only activity I haven't included is the multi-choice reading comprehension.)

Here are the 2 TaskMagic3 files: 
(These both require TaskMagic3.)

Here are the pdf worksheets, in no particular order:
