Île des animaux - Resources based on a simple story in French

The pdf files below are based on the 'Île des animaux' story, which is one of the 20 French stories available with a trial log-in on the Grow Story Grow website - http://www.growstorygrow.com

Grow Story Grow is an online language-learning library. There are over a 100 French animated stories in total (with animation and audio), each with interactive games, worksheets etc. The site also has stories in German, Spanish, English, Italian, Polish and Mandarin.

The idea behind the stories is that there is lots of repetition of high frequency words and structures, and each story has several levels of difficulty.

This particular story teaches / practises the following:
- animal names
- Comment tu t'appelles? / Je m'appelle...
- description adjectives: Je suis...
- Où habites-tu? / J'habite...
- Salut / Au revoir
The basic structures are repeated several times (once with each of 12 animals).

The pdfs I've included here are in 2 groups.

First, the animals vocab...



Write the French:

The others are based on the level 3 story from the site.

NB. The site is called GrowStoryGrow because most stories have multiple levels of difficulty, each level building on and adding to the previous level. (UK teachers: we're NOT talking NC levels here - rather different levels of the same story.)

Re-order the tiles of text:

Gap-fill (with word list provided):

Long gaps (gap-fill where each gap is a phrase or series of words):

The above pdf files were printed out from 2 TaskMagic3 files (if you open the TM3 files below, you can print out more worksheets)...

1) A Picture Match file, with 23 interactive games. The screen shot below shows the front page with thumbnails for all of the available exercises. If you have TaskMagic3 click here to open or download this Picture Match file. (If not, see details below for trial download).

2) A Mix and Gap file with 16 interactive exercises. The screen shot below shows the front page with thumbnails for all of the available exercises. If you have TaskMagic3 click here to open or download this Mix and Gap file. (If not, see details below for trial download).

SEE THESE VIDEO TUTORIALS on all aspects of creating your own Mix and Gap files to exploit texts of all sorts in TaskMagic3.

See http://www.mdlsoft.co.uk for lots more info about TaskMagic3.

See http://www.mdlsoft.co.uk/trialdownloads.htm for a free 30 day trial download of TaskMagic3.

See http://www.growstorygrow.com to request a trial log-in for Grow Story Grow (NOT time-limited).

