Using the new Trainer facility in TaskMagic3

One of the new features in TaskMagic3 is Trainer. Trainer is one of the options

available in Text Match, Picture Match, Sound Match and Grid Match.

Trainer can be run as a practice session or as a test.

As a practice session, it provides feedback to students, comparing their response to the expected response, and guiding them towards a correct answer. Problem questions are repeated again and again until the student gets them right without hints or errors. Students can print out a copy of their practice session, including answers given, scores, time taken etc.

See the short video below about using Trainer as a practice session:

When run as a test, no feedback is provided, and one answer per question is recorded. Scores are shown at the end of the test, and test results can be printed. You can decide various options prior to taking a test, such as whether marks are only awarded for 100% correct words, or for 100% correct answers, or whether answers are case-sensitive.

See the short video below about running Trainer as a test:

See the example below of a test print-out. The print-out includes the date and time it was printed, the time the test was started, the amount of time spent on the test, and the scores awarded for each answer. (You will also see that this print-out, supposedly the work of Alice Slack, is marked as having been printed previously by John Smith, thus informing the teacher that something fishy is going on.)

For more short TaskMagic videos, see

For further details of all of the new features in TaskMagic3, see

For reviews, quotes, recommendations of TaskMagic, see

To try out TaskMagic3 for yourself, download the 30 day trial from


