Using Find it! - beyond simple "Find the French" activities.

This post will take a quick look at a couple of extra ways of using the Find it! feature of Mix and Gap in TaskMagic.

The most usual (and easiest) way of using Find it! is as a simple "Find the French / German / Spanish" exercise, where you set prompts in English for

the words or phrases you want the students to find in the TL text. The benefit of this is that it's easy to use your prompts and vocabulary in different ways, such as exporting it to Text Match. See this post for lots of ideas on how to exploit texts in this way, producing lots of practice material from an original source text.

But Find it! isn't just limited to vocabulary finding exercises. Here are a couple of other ideas for using Find it!

Matching statements to separate paragraphs

Lots of reading exercises are of the type "Which person...?", or "Which film / book / paragraph ....?", followed by a statement. See the example below of how this has been set up in the Find it! edit screen in Mix and Gap:

The instruction says "Choose the letter for the person who best matches the statements below." So the exercise has been made by typing out statements and selecting the letter of the correct paragraph.

See how this works on the output screen:

And also the worksheet:

Click here to download the above Mix and Gap file (with access to 17 interactive exercises including Find it!) 

Questions requiring answers taken directly from the text

The example below shows how you can use regular question and answer based on a text, as long as it is clear that the answer required is to be lifted directly from the text.

Here the instruction says "Choose the exact words from the text which answer the questions below. ("J'ai" counts as one word.)". The number of words required has been specified for some answers so that it is clear exactly how much information is required, and also to avoid confusion where there may be more than one possible correct answer.

Here is the output screen:

And the worksheet:

Click here to download the above Mix and Gap file (with access to 17 interactive exercises including Find it!)

For lots more info about Mix and Gap in TaskMagic3, go to

See this video tutorial on creating a simple Find it! exercise in Mix and Gap:


