Exploiting a text for classroom use - French: le 11 novembre 1918, la fin de la « der des der »

The resources in this post are based on an article from 1jour1actu.com about 11th November 1918 http://1jour1actu.com/france/la_fin_de_la__der_des_der_/

There are 12 pdf files all based on the same text.

There is also the TaskMagic3 Mix&Gap file (mtx3) from which the pdfs were printed (using doPDF - http://www.dopdf.com), and which provides access to 18 interactive exercises for use with PCs and / or an IWB. This file requires TaskMagic3. (See http://www.mdlsoft.co.uk/mixandgap.htm for more info about the Mix&Gap component of TaskMagic3.)

The image shows the menu screen in TaskMagic with the 18 interactive exercises represented by a screen thumbnail.

SPANISH: "Paso adelante para el matrimonio gay"

Lots of pdf files below based on a news article on the British parliament's vote on 5th February 2013 on whether or not to allow same-sex marriage in England and Wales.
The pdfs are all printed from one TaskMagic3 Mix&Gap file, which is also included (mtx3 file below).

"Depardieu reçoit son passeport russe" - lots of resources

The resources in this post are based on a French text about Gérard Depardieu's decision to accept Putin's offer of Russian citizenship. There are lots of past tenses in the article, which is probably suitable for use with AS/A2. Here's the original article: http://www.sudouest.fr/2013/01/06/depardieu-dans-sa-nouvelle-patrie-926235-4778.php

There are 11 pdf files in all, all printed using dopdf - http://www.dopdf.com

The pdfs are based on a Mix and Gap file containing the text of the article, which is also included (mtx3). This file provides access to a wide variety of interactive exercises for use with PCs or with an interactive whiteboard. It requires TaskMagic3. If you haven't got TaskMagic3, you can download a 30-day trial from the TaskMagic website (doesn't require registration or anything - just download and install it).

French AS/A2 resources: "Interdisez les bouteilles !"

The resources in this post are based on a French text about the environment suitable for AS/A2 - on a US town's decision to ban the sale of bottles of water smaller than 1 litre. Here's the original article: http://www.20minutes.fr/article/1072899/ville-americaine-interdit-petites-bouteilles-eau-plastique

French resources: "Licencié pour avoir... sauvé une vie!"

These French resources are based on a story about a lifeguard who was fired for saving a drowning man outside his allotted area of the beach.   

The TaskMagic3 file (mtx3) provides access to 18 interactive exercises and requires TaskMagic3.

Spanish "desempleo" resources (based on BBC Mundo article)

These resources are based on a short news story on BBC Mundo about Spain's unemployment statistics: 
The TaskMagic3 file (mtx3) provides access to 18 interactive exercises and requires TaskMagic3.
The image shows the Mix & Gap front page for the file in TaskMagic3, with the little screen thumbnails showing links to the various interactive exercises.

¿A qué debe su mala fama el martes y trece?

These Spanish resources are based on a short text from Muy interesante explaining the origins of "martes y trece" - see the link below:

There are 9 pdf files in all, all printed using dopdf - http://www.dopdf.com

The pdfs are based on a Mix and Gap file containing the text, which is also included (mtx3). This file provides a wide variety of interactive exercises for use with PCs or with an interactive whiteboard. It requires TaskMagic3. If you haven't got TaskMagic3, you can download a 30-day trial from the TaskMagic website (doesn't require registration or anything - just download and install it).

Spanish resources: New York multi-millionaire leaves $1m to his driver... (Exploiting a news story)

These Spanish resources are based on a news story from BBC Mundo about a New York multi-millionaire who left $1.5million to his driver and doorman: