España - Campeones del mundo (2010)

These resources are based on a text I came across after the last football world cup in 2010, just after Spain had won the final. Ideal for KS4 / higher level KS3. (Probably also suitable for AS to be honest as a lead in to a discussion about the this year's world cup, predictions etc.)

There are 12 pdf worksheets in total -- 10 based on the text and 2 based on the vocab. Obviously you wouldn't use all of these -- it's a matter of selecting the most appropriate ones for your students.

I've also included the TaskMagic3 Mix&Gap and TextMatch files for those of you who have TaskMagic3. (These require TaskMagic3 and each one provides access to about 20 interactive games and exercises.)

It's dead easy to create your own resources like these in a matter of minutes using TaskMagic3. Try it out for yourself -- download the 30 day trial for the TaskMagic website.

Peut-on se passer du nucléaire?

I came across this article and video a couple of years ago via Twitter. It's a discussion of nuclear energy in France, ideal for A level French classes dealing with energy, environment, etc.

The 8 pdf files below all practise the same text in a variety of ways. They can be opened, printed etc, by anyone.

They are designed to be used without the audio / video, but if you want, you could use the video at either as the basis for the various exercises or as a way of correcting them (or a combination of both).

I also include the TaskMagic3 Mix&Gap file from which they were printed (using doPDF).

With TaskMagic3 you can create your own resources like these -- both interactive and print -- in a matter of minutes, based on any roman-script text of up to 500 words.

Sam el gato, rutina diaria (Spanish KS3/4 resources)

I came across this nice video on youtube:
So I put the text of it into TaskMagic3.

The result is all of the pdf worksheets below (16 in total -- 11 based on the text and 5 based on the vocab). Obviously you wouldn't use all of these -- it's a matter of selecting the most appropriate ones for your students.

I've also included the TaskMagic3 Mix&Gap and TextMatch files for those of you who have TaskMagic3. (These require TaskMagic3 and each one provides access to about 20 interactive games and exercises.)

Using TaskMagic3 it takes a matter of minutes to create your own text / vocab based interactive resources and printables.

AS Spanish tourism stats resources (March 2014)

10 pdf worksheets below based on a text about Spain's tourism statistics to end March 2014.

The worksheets are in various formats including jigsaw reading and several gap-fills, one of which is a grammar / transformation gap-fill (AQA style).

Obviously you wouldn't use all of these -- it's a matter of selecting the most appropriate ones for your students.

On parle français (ER conjugation in context)

The pdf below contains 14 activities based on a short text demonstrating all parts of "parler" in the present tense. (10 based on the text and 4 based on the vocab).

They're all based on this text:

Je parle français un peu. Je parle français avec mon ami Max. Il parle français très bien. Nous parlons français ensemble.

Ma mère parle français aussi. Elle parle avec ma soeur. Elles parlent français ensemble.

Et toi? Tu parles français? Et tes parents? Ils parlent français? Et toi et tes parents... vous parlez français ensemble?

It should be suitable for year 7, don't you think?

The pdf worksheets were printed from TaskMagic3. The TaskMagic3 files are also included, and require TaskMagic3. The mtx3 file is a Mix and Gap file. The mdl3 file is a Text Match file.

Cendrillon / Cinderella (ks3/4 resources)

Some resources based on a French story in parallel text form, one of the many fabulous free resources available on : -- It really is worth subscribing for full access to 100s (1000s?) of French printable resources for all levels. (I'm sure many of you do already :)

I'd already made TaskMagic resources based on this story a while ago. I've merged these into the pdf "fr_cendrillon_text_merged.pdf" below, which contains 10 separate activities based on the story.

ITALIAN -- comparing towns (resources)

The resources below are based on a short text translated from French into Italian (by Monna Brown -- thanks Monna:)
The text compares two towns.

There's only one pdf, but it's made up of 10 separate single-page activities, printed from a TaskMagic3 Mix&Gap file. I've also included this Mix&Gap file (.mtx3), which provides access to about 20 interactive exercises (but requires you to have TaskMagic3).

Hope these are useful to somebody.

Here's the answer, so what's the question?

This is something I remember from my TEFL days: getting students to form correct questions based on specific bits of information from a sentence (or even a whole text).

The examples below are based on 8 simple daily routine statements in Spanish in the present tense. (Each statement is used twice.) :

1. Me levanto {a las seis}........................................ ¿A qué hora te levantas?
2. {Me levanto} a las seis........................................ ¿Qué haces a las seis?
3. Me ducho {en el cuarto de baño}.........................¿Dónde te duchas?
4. {Me ducho} en el cuarto de baño.........................¿Qué haces en el cuarto de baño?
5. Después de ducharme, {me visto}...................... ¿Qué haces después de ducharte?
6. {Después de ducharme}, me visto...................... ¿Cuándo te vistes?
7. Me visto {en mi dormitorio}..................................¿Dónde te vistes?
8. {Me visto} en mi dormitorio..................................¿Qué haces en tu dormitorio?
9. {Mi madre} prepara el desayuno......................... ¿Quién prepara el desayuno?
10. Mi madre {prepara el desayuno}......................... ¿Qué hace tu madre?
11. Desayuno {con mi madre} en la cocina...............¿Con quién desayunas?
12. Desayuno con mi madre {en la cocina}...............¿Dónde desayunas?
13. Voy al colegio {en bicicleta}................................ ¿Cómo vas al colegio?
14. Voy {al colegio} en bicicleta................................ ¿Adónde vas en bicicleta?
15. {Vuelvo a casa} a las tres....................................¿Qué haces a las tres?
16. Vuelvo a casa {a las tres}....................................¿A qué hora vuelves a casa?

The idea is that students must try to formulate a correct question using the initial statement as a starting point, where the information being solicited by the question is the information highlighted in the statement -- in the examples above, the highlighted information is in {curly brackets}.

This means that it is possible for 1 statement to generate several questions.
e.g. the simple statement...

ALLER (French pres tense) in context

The resources below are based on a short text featuring all parts of aller in the present tense, along with a few modes of transport, within the context of talking about how you go to school.

There are 11 worksheets based on the text itself and 5 based on the vocab. These were printed from TaskMagic3 (Mix&Gap and TextMatch) using , and combined as 2 pdfs with lots of pages using

Of course, you would NOT do ALL of these activities, but I've included them all so that you can see what is available.
I've also included the original Mix&Gap (mtx3) and TextMatch (mdl3) files, both of which require TaskMagic3. The images show the variety of activities in each of the TaskMagic3 files.